The Pilgrim's Progress

About The Pilgrim’s Progress

The Pilgrim’s Progress animated movie was produced by Steve Cleary who is also the founder and CEO of RevelationMedia. The film closely follows John Bunyan’s epic masterpiece by the same title. Steve chose The Pilgrim’s Progress as his first animated feature film based on the following…

  1. In Christian literature, The Pilgrim’s Progress is considered second only to the Bible.
  2. The allegory is known and loved around the world, having been in print more than 300 years and translated into more than 200 languages.
  3. An animated version of The Pilgrim’s Progress is the perfect film for free distribution on the mission field.

The film took over 5 years to complete and was produced in McKinney, Texas, and San Jose, Costa Rica. Since its inception, it was always meant to be a film for families and for missions. RevelationMedia’s goal is to translate the film into no less than 100 languages in the next 3-5 years, making it the most translated animated film in history. This project is solely supported by the generous contributions of our friends and ministry partners.

Farsi is completed and is now available. These languages are being finalized and will be coming soon: Bengali, Cantonese, Hindi, Nepalese, Tamil, Urdu, and Vietnamese. In addition, the following nine languages are in production: Arabic, Dutch, French, German, Korean, Mandarin, Polish, Spanish, Turkish

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